Our Philosophy
Growing Green Child Development Center is based on educational principles that allow each child to develop to their fullest potential. Our approach focuses on the “whole child” meaning we address and support the mind and body. We encourage children to explore their many intelligences through the use of a high quality natural environment that uses nature play, sensory play with sand/water, gardening, creative arts and music. We encourage every child to develop and grow in their understanding of our diverse world. We hope to support and help educate families on making healthy choices for their children.
Following our philosophy means that we set the following goals:
1. Help each child achieve intellectual growth and stimulation.
2. Help each child in building and maintaining positive self-worth.
3. Help each child become socially well adjusted.
4. Help each child develop a sense of values and respect for self, others and Mother Earth.
5. Help each child attain physical stamina and good health habits.
The staff at Growing Green value family relationships and want to act as a support system for each family. All staff will do their best to maintain strong home to center communication.